March 28, 2011

Lovely Wrap Up Studio Storage

I was party hopping a few weeks ago and found Life Made Lovely. Have you ever party hopped? I stumbled across a few party link libraries and wow! There are some parties out there!! I could do a different party every day is the month (if I was less lazy so inclined).

I decided to combine two of my favorites for regular Monday posts. Welcome to my first Lovely Wrap Up post! I will be linking this up to Tatertots and jello and Life Made Lovely every Saturday and Monday. Most likely the post will actually be up on Sunday.

On Friday I went to Ikea with a friend to stock up on some more Kassett boxes and FLYT magazine holders.  I love visiting Ikea and poring over the storage options.

Yes, I left the mess there for effect. Really I did!

I've found that art and craft supplies multiply when you're not looking. Or when you visit the thrift store 'to have a look'.

Taking pictures at night with the flash, not such a good idea.

So now I can pull out any storage box I want and find what I need.  Now to cut out fifteen circles for all the FLYT magazine holders I now have!  I'll update with the new pretties once I get them done.

If I can still type after doing all that cutting out!

Here's this week's links to the parties


So, what lovely things were you up to this weekend?


  1. Great job organizing! It's a never-ending task, right?


  2. It never ends!

    If it has, have you let any one else touch what you organized? Especially your toddler!?

  3. This is so nice and organized! I'm crazy impressed and WISH my craft space looked anywhere near as organized... and less like the Dollar Store, Wal-Mart, and Hobby Lobby exploded all over a tiny room that was once an office/bedroom!

  4. And since I took this picture the whole space has expanded! I'll have to do a new post soon!
