March 18, 2011

Containing my brain

I've already talked about my love for binders here.

After Toni did her Home Management weekly challenge I browsed through all the links.  After my first pass through the binders, I started to notice quite a few common categories.  Since I was working on freshening up and consolidating my binder I made notes on the categories people were using.  Just for kicks I added up how many different categories there were as well.

Some number crunching for you;

32 binders
28 different categories
9 categories are used for more than 10 of those binders
Menu Planning is the single category that is in every single binder (Laura would be so proud!)
Cleaning came in second, in 27 of the binders
Calendar = 23
Finances/Budget = 22
To Do = 20
Contacts = 18
Schedules or Medical = 15
Kids/Family Info = 11

Now that I know what others are using, I'm better able to purge my binder system.

System on my studio shelf.

Jen is doing household binder creation the entire month of March.  Also, she is including free printables (and they are OH so cute).

Before I catch up with Jen I thought I'd share the acronym I came up for my binders.

B.R.A.I.N = Book of Reminders And Important Notes

The binders I am redoing.

Binder #1 - Family B.R.A.I.N
Binder #2 - Girls' B.R.A.I.N
Binder #3 - Birthdays and Holidays B.R.A.I.N
Binder #4 - Budget B.R.A.I.N
Binder #5 - Blog B.R.A.I.N
Binder #6 - My B.R.A.I.N

Go check out what Jen is up to at
 IHeart Organizing


  1. ROFL My sister calls her planner her Brain Book! She still uses it even though she now has a Blackberry :-P

  2. I have an iPod Touch, and I love my binders and notepads. There is something so deeply satisfying about writing things down and then CROSSING them out.
