January 01, 2011

2011 in one word

Sometime last summer I read about the one little word. I thought it was an a fabulous idea and tried to think of one for this year. I made lists and lists.

Ok, it was only one list and before I got more than 10 words my ADD kicked in and I was off on another tangent.

Last night I was reading my Twitterstream and saw that Chookoloonks has her word - inspire! Which inspired mine!

One of my projects for 2011 is to undertake my own Happiness Project. One of the resolutions I have is to capture more of my family on film/video/however.  Then I thought, what a perfect way to sum up how I want to achieve things this year, THAT is what I want to do with my daydreams and goals and aspirations. I want to capture them! So my one little word for 2011 is capture.

Some things I want to capture this year;

  • more photos of the girls
  • more photos of Hubs and me, or just Hubs OR just me (yikes)
  • crafty ideas
  • drawing ideas - how about a sketch book filled up?! Or at least drawn in?
  • an organized (or more so) apartment
  • photos of my favourite recipes
  • a recipe book handwritten by me for the girls, or the start of one

I'm sure as the year goes on I will think of more things to capture and add to this list.

Do you have one little word for 2011?

1 comment:

  1. This is a nice list for 2011. I would like to make some more time for me this new year.
    Happy new year to you :)
