October 11, 2010

Menu Plan Monday with a link and a recipe!

I really, REALLY don't like meal planning.  It creates the extra work for me of having to write out an actual grocery list and actually MAKE the meals I plan.  On the flip side I can't STAND the 4pm "what do you mean I have to COOK? FOOD!?"

To make the menu planning easier I set off to find a spreadsheet so I wouldn't have to do much (if any) typing once I set it up!  I had success not once, but twice at Vertex. Using the monthly menu planning template, planning for all of October took me maybe 20 minutes! Easy peasy! Now if only I could fit lunch and breakfast on there as well!

So here's this week's menu with a recipe for you!

Monday - Happy Thanksgiving all you Canucks! We're having pizza all day here in the NT2N house

Tuesday - Spaghetti and garlic bread! Yum yum!

Wednesday - Minestrone and baking powder biscuits! Gonna make a double batch for next week while I'm at it

Thursday - Breakfast for dinner day! Omelettes, toast and bacon

Friday - Pasta again, we're some pasta fiends in this house! Frog even had a few handfuls for the first time last week!

Saturday - Tacos! Another family favourite for the fall

Sunday - Chicken pot pies and steamed rice. One of my favourite meals to make! So quick!

1 comment:

  1. Yum! We're having spaghetti and pizza this week too.

