Breakfast is the usual; cereal or toast with fruit, a family breakfast on Saturday and everybody fending for themselves on Sunday. Hopefully this week I'll manage to actually make the family breakfast. Turtle having the flu most of last week kinda put paid to anything big happening food wise.
Lunch is gonna be pretty simple again. Turtle will be at school all week (I hope!) so she'll have her usual array of snacks to choose from. Hubs has sandwich ingredients. Frog and I will eat up some fruit, yogurt and some other goodies we have waiting for us.
Sunday - we made pita pizzas again. We are all LOVING these, it means we can have pizza every weekend!
Monday - minestrone
Tuesday - pasta
Wednesday - pancakes
Thursday - scrambled eggs with cheese, home fries (still in the freezer, Turtle will actually be up to eating them this week)
Friday - lasagna
Saturday - pita pizzas again, and that will finish off the pitas we have in the freezer!
Due to the snow we got on Saturday night, everybody was at the store yesterday and by the time we got there, they were OUT of milk, carrots, AND yogurt. Not the usual thing for our grocery store! I am going to have to bundle up and head out the grab the rest of our list. I need to start the soup soon!
I'm linking up to Menu Plan Monday at Org Junkie.
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