So, Saturday I talked to Hubs about moving our tall IKEA Billy bookcase to the end of my desk. Our desk, the desk. Whichever, I wanted it in the office so I could have my art supplies and books at fingertip.
Hubs agreed we would try it out. It only needed a whole lotta little rearranging.
Before - the main cause of my desperately needing wanting to rearrange was that pile on the end of my desk. That HUGE pile of every piece of paper that I had to file in some way or another in the storage closet. The storage closet that had waaaaaaay too much stuff in it! Really, there were a few other piles here and there and everywhere for me to relocate to filing.
So began the not-so great rearrange of this weekend. I'll spare you the details and photos of what I had to do to get to this point. That would be the tall bookcase on it's way from the storage closet to the office.
Did I mention I had a helper for this madness fabulous idea I had?
Somehow Turtle doesn't look as exhausted enthused as her mommy! Probably because she knows that this means her room/closet is next!
The weekend ended with everything in a rough set up. The piles? They are still on my desk. And the dining room table. And the floor of the storage closet. Yikes! Look for an update tomorrow as I slog through the piles now that I can happily easily reach all my filing.
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